Monday, July 19, 2010

Me, Myself and Time

I'm on a personal crusade. I don't know about you, but after becoming a mom, I've lost some sense of self. I was a wife before that, but still had my own interests, then after having kids, the mommy role seems to have taken over. Now I'm 10% wife and 90% mom. But what about me?

I think as mothers, we tend to put ourselves last because we think it's selfish to spend time/money/etc on ourselves. When did taking care of ourselves become so wrong? If you don't do things for yourself, then you lose a sense of who you are. Those things that made you you, fall by the wayside as children, work, your spouse, carpools, PTA meetings, etc take over your life.

I'm not saying those things aren't important and you shouldn't give them the attention they deserve, but how much more effective will you be when you start doing things that make you happy. There's a saying that I heard and think it's wise advice, "Take care of yourself first so you'll have more of yourself to give." It's true that if Mom's happy, everyone else is happy. So find something that makes you happy.

I challenge you to do something this week that is 100% just for you. Sign up for that painting class, go out with your girlfriends for drinks, spend an afternoon shopping; if you have girlfriends that have kids, arrange a weekly get together for dinner, they'll thank you for it. Whatever it is, you're not allowed to bring your children or spouse and talking about either is off limits. It's all about you.

We're often too busy for ourselves, which is why it's so important to do something for you. Step out of your routine and go for it. In fact, I'll start. This week, I'm planning to develop some of my photography to enter into the County Fair next weekend. It's a fun hobby I've taken up and thought it might be kind of cool to display. Am I any good, not really, but who cares? I think it's fun. So, I need to get the pictures developed and mounted to take on Saturday. I'll report back next Monday, so I'm completely accountable. Then I'll have a whole new weekly goal.

So, if you'd like to join me, feel free to post your goal for the week in the comments below and let us know next week how it went. Find yourself again and have fun doing it. :o)

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