Monday, August 23, 2010

Me, Myself and Time

"Do you see pink elephants too?"

To briefly follow up on Ryah's surgery, all went well. Peri got to have her first sleepover at her friend Ella's house (she had a blast; clearly, since they didn't get to bed until 11pm). The rest of us got up bright and early at 5:45 in the morning to get to the hospital since Ryah was the first scheduled surgery.

She was quite amusing after they gave her her loopy cocktail, Ryah looked completely stoned and kept laughing (she kept saying, "Mommy, I falling down" then she'd giggle), then they took her back to assess the anesthesia they would use. Fortunately, after they gassed her they were able to determine that it would be quick and gas would be enough. *Phew* I was worried about the IV, so I'm really glad they were able to avoid that. She was a bit cranky coming out of it and had a few meltdowns, but who could blame her, really. I was looking forward to the Tylenol with Codeine because I thought for sure it would knock her out, but alas, it had the opposite effect and she wouldn't quit jumping off the furniture. It was like Speed for toddlers.

By the end of the day, she was back to her normal self and it was determined that she had had a Mucocele, so no matter what, it would have needed to be removed. They got it all and it shouldn't come back. Just glad that it's all over and done with.


The last time I wrote about my Me Time project, I was getting ready to revamp a friend's website. And while I'm no html expert, I can usually sift through the code to find what I'm looking for and Google how-to's, fairly effectively. I'm always proud of myself when I don't have to bring in my husband for help. In fact, I only had to do it once. Yay me!

So here is the old website...

And here's the new one...
Nice huh? She's in real estate, so I think the new one is a little warmer and friendlier and just plain prettier. :o) I learned a little more about dimensions, pages, opening urls in new windows (so cool and easy) and lots of fun new widgets. There's always the aesthetic part of design that I love too, because even if a website is fully functional, it doesn't matter if it's not pretty.

So this week, I'm going to try to get back into acting. I've done community theatre since I was 9 and I did one industrial film back when I was 16. I really miss it. It's not something I see as a career, but something I really enjoy and if I can get the odd job here and there, why not? Especially since it seems like more movies and tv are coming to the Northwest. Maybe you'll see me on Leaverage. :o) Or not. First things first; I need a new headshot. So, that's my challenge this week, get a new headshot taken and start scouting for an agent. Wish me luck! (I think I can hear Marisa saying, "FINALLY!", she's been after me for a while)

You up to the challenge? Is there something you've always wanted to try; a class, an experience, a hobby? I challenge you to do something just for you.

What will you do this week?

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